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ALTHEATales from Her

01 about Project Althea

Project Althea is an online art exhibition where Singapore-based artists portray the stories of women who have faced domestic violence through their art pieces.

Althea comes from Greek origin, with the meaning, "with healing power". By naming the project Althea, we want to highlight the collaboration between our partners as well as the themes of mutual and individual empowerment derived from the project.

02 Why the name Althea?

03 Project Objectives


Raise awareness about the struggles of women who face domestic violence

​Oftentimes, the stories and struggles of these women are drowned out by the pressures they face from our conservative society. Hence, Althea hopes to empower survivors of domestic abuse with a platform where they can share their stories and experiences.


Increase visibility of local artists in Singapore

In the face of COVID-19, artists were deemed as 'unimportant' professions. Therefore, we wanted to showcase the capabilities and the importance of art by highlighting the social value that they can bring.

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© 2023 by Althea

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